Conservation and Ecology


Our Conservation Team works from Christchurch City and offers services to the broader Canterbury Region. We partner with many agencies including Ecan, MPI and local councils to work the front line for Ecological Restoration. Our teams carry a wealth of industry experience spanning decades. We also offer support and services to various trusts and organisations involved with environmental projects.
We use top-quality spray equipment and power tools to work effectively. We are tech-savvy and often volunteer to pilot new digital technology implemented by clients.

Your conservation solutions

Weed control – We offer weed control solutions to reach an overall conservation or economic goal to improve the ecological state of the land. Our experienced team develops control plans using integrated weed management.

Planting – Our experts in locally sourced and indigenous species that are appropriate to the ecological characteristics of the site are experienced in terrestrial, riparian and aquatic planting. We offer pre-planting site preparation and post-planting establishment and GPS tracklog maintenance. 

Spraying – We use a range of chemicals including organic herbicides as part of our integrated weed management. All applicators are certified and approved to safely handle our applications.


Environmental reporting – Using GPS tracklogs, camera, and drone footage we provide a snapshot for periodic weed monitoring. The data is collated into a report which shows the locations and names of weeds, summary of observations and control methods required or used.  

Maintenance – We partner with landowners, government entities and trusts on ecological sites to take control and eradicate introduced weeds and any potentially invasive exotic species not indigenous  to the area.

Predator Trapping– Committed to predator-free 2050 we provide invasive predator control for stoats, rats, hedgehog and possum effectively and humanely.

Wetland Planting – Sourcing through our eco-nursery and plant installation completed by our conservation teams, we specialise in aquatic planting, employ various strategies to ensure plant establishment and protection for the local birdlife. 

Port Hills Reserves Ecological Restoration – Ongoing

Our work involves planting native trees and flaxes each winter and maintaining them in spring and autumn over 8 different sites located throughout the Christchurch, Port Hills area.

Maintenance is the most critical part of the ecological restoration success. Without regular maintenance for the first three years, plants would not survive due to grass competition. 

You can also play a part alongside the Christchurch City Rangers with the Port Hills Reserves Volunteer days. 

Kaiapoi River Rehabilitation Project – 2019-2020

One of the desired outcomes of this project is to improve aquatic and riparian habitat, our Conservation Team has been involved with the riparian planting to create meandering low-flow channels. 

This is an ongoing project. 

Mt Cass Wind Farm – Conservation Management Area – 2014˛ through 2020

Our Conservation Team is engaged to carry out the weed control for this certified organic farm. We carry out Surveillance Surveys using GPS tracklogs to record infestation locations. This information forms the basis of an Annual Environmental Report for the farm. 

What we’ve done

Ahuriri Lagoon – Completed April 2020

This project aimed to improve water quality, biodiversity and mahinga kai values in what was drained and degraded Ahuriri Lagoon and downstream Huritini/Halswell River. It is to also provide a pathway to improve the water quality of the associated catchments feeding Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere.

The objective of the new wetland is to improve water quality along with reducing nutrient and sediment passage to create an open water area designed for mahinga kai with our adjacent riparian planting — ultimately restoring the Lagoon’s original function. 

Our role involved our Eco Nursery growing and supplying over 80 000 aquatic plants and our Conservation team completed the install. 

We implemented a bird canon and hawk kites to deter local birdlife from entering the site and damaging plants. 

The project also has a Mātauranga Māori monitoring programme to gauge the changing value of the site for iwi, and an applied research component to measure improvements in water quality.