Showing all 7 results
Carmichaelia kirkii
Carmichaelia kirkii is also known as climbing broom, its scrambling nature is...
Clematis afoliata | Pōhue
Clematis afoliata is a scrambling vine with stiff, wiry stems and as...
Clematis paniculata | Puawananga
Clematis paniculata is the best-known native clematis species. An aggressive woody, evergreen...
Fuchsia perscandens
Shrub like sprawler, can be prostrate. Flowers in spring / autumn, has...
Parsonsia capsularis
Twining climber, shade tolerant with an interesting juvenile stage. Fragrant cream flowers...
Rubus schmidelioides
Attractive prickly vine. Red thorns enable it to climb on supports. Cream-white...
Rubus squarrosus
Vigorous climber, mostly leafless. Has attractive yellow thorns on green stems. White...