Carex geminata is a wetland grass often found in wetland or swampy plant communities that include but are not limited to Apodasmia similis, Carex maorica Carex secta, Carex virgata, Phormium tenax, and Eleocharis acuta. It is a robust native sedge with a wide-spreading habit for wetland areas. It is a strongly growing species and forms quite large patches typically 50-100cm high. Its medium green leaves have a sharp edge. Because of this, it is also called cutty grass; one of many species with this nickname. The leaves can be up to 1m long and hide the 10cm long flower spikes which appear from November to February.
Carex geminata occurs naturally throughout New Zealand in damp or swampy ground. Carex geminata is excellent to stabilise stream banks and is used for environmental planting like establishing or restoring a wetland area. It is also suitable for planting for effluent disposal or to reduce nitrogen runoff in wetter areas of farms.
For more information on plant communities, we recommend DOC’s publication Native Plant Communities of the Canterbury Plains.