Juncus pallidus | Wiwi

Drainage:DampVery WetWell DrainedWet
Height Range:2
Site Conditions:CoastalExposedFrost TolerantHeavy SoilLoamy SoilWindy
Spread Range:1
Sunlight:Full Sun
Features:Attractive FlowersAttractive foliageAttractive to beesAttractive to BirdsAttractive to insectsEvergreenSuitable for Revegetation SpeciesSuitable for Riparian
Category: Tags: ,


Juncus pallidus is a rush, forming dense clumps of erect blue/green foliage. It is very vigorous, spreading by creeping rhizomes. These rhizomes allow it to quickly colonise hollows and swamps and even the wetter areas of dunes. Generally grows in damp ground and standing water. Juncus pallidus grows best in full sun. Also, it can handle heat and drought. It is tolerant of windy and coastal conditions and moderate shade.

Widely distributed throughout New Zealand in coastal and lowland areas. Wiwi is ideal for wetland revegetation, riparian plantings, or around ponds and stormwater plantings. Naturally found on the margins of wetlands and lakes, on wet riparian edges or in open shrubland on damp ground, or near salt marshes. Its vigorous, spreading nature allows it to grow just about anywhere that is damp. Juncus pallidus can become a weed in pastures as it readily spreads by seed distribution. Hence, when planted in smaller locations, best to contain roots and trim after flowering.

Often found in plant communities that include but are not limited to Apodasmia similis, Carex maorica, Carex secta, Carex virgata, Phormium tenax, and Eleocharis acuta.

For more information on plant communities, we recommend DOC’s publication Native Plant Communities of the Canterbury Plains.

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