Plant Library

Showing 145–151 of 151 results

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  • Sophora prostrata

    Sophora prostrata | Kōwhai

    Sophora prostrata is a small dense Kōwhai tree endemic to the dry...

  • Streblus heterophyllus

    Endemic Small oval toothed leaves, female bears red berries summer. Has juvenile...

  • Teucrium parvifolium

    Teucrium parvifolium

    Teucrium parvifolium is endemic to New Zealand, occurring sporadically from Northland to...

  • Typha orientalis

    Tall green leaves with large furry brown seed heads Vigorous wetland plant,...

  • Veronica canterburiensis 2.5L

    Veronica canterburiensis

    Veronica canterburiensis is a compact, small-leaved shrub. Its name infers that is...

  • Veronica salicifolia $3.20

    Veronica salicifolia | Koromiko

    Veronica salicifolia (formally called Hebe salicifolia) is a fast-growing, spreading shrub. It...

  • Veronica strictissima $3.20

    Veronica strictissima

    Veronica strictissima is a bushy shrub endemic to Banks Peninsula.  As its...